12 Episodes, Mini series (Political Thriller, Thriller)
“The Fourth Estate” is a television series, which addresses the clash between power and media, thus showing the many faces of politics and journalism. In the twelve episodes, viewers can trace an actual journalistic investigation, the main protagonists being politicians and journalists, while the plot is based on facts and events, which seem familiar due to the documentary background of many of the discussed plots. The story is built around the life of a newspaper, which endeavours to work by pursuing its own rules for independent journalism in a society overtaken by dependencies. The investigation leads to a clash between the outside and the personal world of reporters and they come to realize that they will have to choose between taking part in manipulation or stand up against it. What happens onscreen repeats life – cutthroat fight for power, dirty political games, hits below the belt, disclosure of information, pressure and desperate journalistic resistance. Illegal wiretapping, espionage, discrediting sex affair evidence, racketeering and scam are genre approaches that keep the viewers on the edge of their seats…
Directed by: Dimitar Kotzev, Stoyan Radev
Written by: Alexander Chobanov, Emil Andreev, Iordan Bankov, Velislava Popova
Produced by: Sevda Shishmanova, Yanko Terziev, Nayo Titzin
Cinematography by: Anton Bakarski, Vladimir Mihaylov
Film Editing by:
Original Music by: Victor Stoynov
Main Cast: Samuel Finzi, Atanass Atanassov, Hristo Shopov, Mihail Bilalov, Deyan Donkov, Vladimir Penev, Snezhina Petrova
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actress - Anastasiya Nedelcheva
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actor - Velizar Binev
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actor - Vladimir Penev
2014 Winner Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Production Design - Liliana Dancheva, Prolet Georgieva
2014 Winner Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Costume Design - Anna Gelinova
SCARS follows the lives of two fractured families whose unresolved issues dramatically affect the lives of two sisters separated at birth. As their paths cross, the series explores how the past shapes their present and intertwines their fates.
Directed by: Petar Krumov, Stanislav Todorov - Rogi, Dragomir Sholev
Written by: Emil Bonev, Julia Spiridonova
Produced by: Lilo Petrov, Gabriel Georgiev, Margarita Stoyanova
Cinematography by: Alexander Stanishev, Rosen Daskalov, Martin Balkanski, Nenad Boroevich
Film Editing by: Veselin Lazarov, Martin Vladichki, Desislava Petrova
Original Music by: Simeon Edward, Alexander Kostov, Yavor Pachovski, George Strezov
Main Cast: Vera Yordanova, Anastasiya Lyutova, Valentin Ganev, Stoyan Radev, Balena Landjeva, Ivo Arukov, Klimentina Fartzova, Penko Gospodinov
The specially trained agent Martin has been appointed to the most dangerous mission in Bulgaria – to go undercover in the gang of the mafia boss Dzharo. On his way he has to encounter a lot of challenges in order to completely become part of the criminal world. His task becomes more complicated when he meets the big boss’s girl Sunny. While undercover he gets a promotion in the mafia hierarchy and becomes part of the world – full of crime, violence and corruption. “Undercover” is a modern crime series which realistically depicts the reality of the underground world in Bulgaria. It is a fictional series and is not related to any real persons. However the plot contains a number of real events happening in the modern life that cover the pages of newspapers and magazines-gangster wars, drug market redistribution, forgery, gun shots in the city center, corruption schemes, bank robberies etc..
Directed by: Viktor Bojinov, Martin Makariev, Zoran Petrovski, Dimitar Gotchev
Written by: Alexander Chobanov, Teodora Markova, Victor Bojinov, Georgi Ivanov
Produced by: Sevda Shishmanova, Dimitar Gochev, Dimitar Mitovski
Cinematography by: Radoslav Gochev, Nenad Baroevich, Anton Bakarski, Alexander Stanishev
Film Editing by: Ivan Dimitrov, Nikolai Milenov, Charlie Varyski
Original Music by: Reinhold Hoffmann
Main Cast: Ivaylo Zahariev, Zahari Baharov, Mihail Bilalov, Vladimir Penev, Marian Valev, Liliya Maravilga, Alexander Sano, Kiril Efremov, Yosif Shamli
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph, Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series - Irena Miliankova
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series - Zachary Baharov
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series - Mihail Bilalov
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding European Producer (Drama Series) - Sevda Shishmanova, Dimitar Mitovski, Ivan Doykov
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding International Producer (Drama Series) - Sevda Shishmanova, Dimitar Mitovski, Ivan Doykov
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding European Producer (Drama Series) - Dimitar Gochev
2012 Nominee Golden Nymph Monte Carlo TV Festival / Outstanding International Producer (Drama Series) - Dimitar Gochev
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actress (Nai-Dobra Poudurzhashta Zhenskya Rolya) - Milena Nikolova, as 'Milenita'.
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Leading Actor (Nai-Dobra Glavna Muzhka Rolya) - Mihail Bilalov
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Production Design (Nai-Dobur Filmova Stsenografiya) - Samuil Ganev
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Costume Design (Nai-Dobur Khudozhnik po Kostyumi) - Ognayna Chalburova
2014 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actor (Nai-Dobra Poddurzhashta Muzhka Rolya) - Alexander Sano
2012 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Leading Actor (Nai-Dobra Glavna Muzhka Rolya) - Mihail Bilalov
2012 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actress (Nai-Dobra Poudurzhashta Zhenskya Rolya) - Tzvetana Maneva
2012 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Supporting Actress (Nai-Dobra Poudurzhashta Zhenskya Rolya) - Lilia Marvilya
2012 Nominee Bulgarian Film Academy Award / Best Cinematography (Nai-Dobur Operatorsko Maistorstvo) - Anton Bakarski
“Do Not Think of Me” is the story of a young unusual divorced mother, who always searches for justice and manages to always have her head up, despite her problems.
Directed by: Dimitar Dimitrov, Stanislav Todorov - Rogi
Written by: Alexander Chobanov, Valentina Angelova, Ema Borisova, Dimitar Hristov, Teodora Dimova - Dodo, Lilo Petrov
Produced by: Vasil Bulyanski, Andrei Arnaudov, Ivan Hristov, Svetla Ivanova
Cinematography by: Nikolay Bekiarsky, Boris Slavkov, Martin Balkanski
Film Editing by: Maria Handjieva, Bohos Topakbashian, Toma Warsharow, Gergana Zlatanova
Original Music by: Vladimir Ampov - Grafa
Main Cast: Vesela Babinova, Ivan Yourokov, Boyana Avdjieva, Irina Miteva, Ruscen Vidinliev, Lyubomira Basheva
Haunted by their daughter’s death, detectives Karen and Ralica go their separate ways. 11 years later, two seemingly unrelated cases, lead to revelations about their daughter’s murder-and blow the lid off a major criminal syndicate in the process.
Directed by: Dimitar Dimitrov
Written by: Alexander Chobanov, Lilo Petrov, Vladislav Tinchev
Produced by: Alexander Christov
Cinematography by: Boris Slavkov
Film Editing by: Ivan Todorov Ivanov
Original Music by: Maxim Eschkenazy, Veselin Tsenov
Main Cast: Martin Radoev, Iva Mihalic, Julian Vergov, Elena Telbis, Hristo Petkov, Ana Papadopolu
Forum Exclusive Series Mania – Selection
Berlin TVSF – Official selection
Buenos Aires TVSF – Official selection
Buenos Aires EIFF Web series – Winner
New York Film Awards – Best picture – Winner
New York Film Awards – Best cinematography – Winner
Although at first it is not clear why a corpse emerged from the river, it is such a strange crime, gradually gathering around the body some suspicious facts such as the lack of traces, the eyes of the sheep instead of the human and, in addition, the blind Mohammedan referring to the Devil. The victim is not a casual person but involved in a refugee channel.
Directed by: Dimitar Dimitrov, Pavel Vesnakov
Written by: Alexander Chobanov, Elena Ermova, Evtim Miloshev, Ivan Spassov, Vladislav Tinchev
Produced by: Gabriel Georgiev, Evtim Miloshev, Lyubomir Neykov, Ivan Spasov
Cinematography by: Boris Slavkov, Martin Balkanski
Film Editing by: Viktoria Radoslavova, Ivan Todorov
Special Effects: Nikolay Fartunkov
Main Cast: Theodora Duhovnikova, Vladimir Karamazov, Valeri Yordanov, Vasil Banov, Lidiya Indjova, Hristo Petkov, Diana Dimitrova
Forum Exclusive Series Mania - Selection
Berlin TVSF - Official selection
Buenos Aires TVSF - Official selection
Buenos Aires EIFF Web series - Winner
New York Film Awards - Best picture - Winner
New York Film Awards - Best cinematography - Winner
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